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Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment for Arthritis


Very recently, medical specialists have discovered a new field, the specialty of regenerative medicine. Physicians from different fields including rheumatology, orthopedics, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and sports medicine have collaborated to develop new techniques to speed the healing process.


This has led to the birth of platelet rich plasma therapy. This was first used extensively in athletes who needed to return to the playing field as quickly as possible. It has then become an important tool that is used to treat soft tissue injuries and arthritis as well.


What they found out was that platelet rich plasma or PRP can speed up the healing process


PRP Injections is an ultra-concentrated preparation of blood which is the patient's own. This blood concentrate contains a large number of platelets and very few red blood cells. Platelets are the ones responsible for the production of an initial clot during wound healing. They also contain many growth factors. When platelets come in contact with an acute injury, these growth factors from the platelets are immediately released.


Not all platelet rich plasma are the same. Some device manufacturers claim to make the ideal platelet concentrate. But studies have shown   a wide variability in the number as well as the quality of platelet concentrate.


Multiple condition including tendinosis, arthritis, and bursitis have been treated with PRP. Ligament injuries can also be treated with PRP. After acute injury is induced, PRP has to be given immediately. 


In order to ensure accuracy, PRP for Pain Management must be administered using special guidance which is provided by using diagnostic ultrasound. The important thing is that the person administering the platelet rich plasma should be skilled and experienced.


 At present, you  can get PRP injections for your damaged tissues so that your body can be stimulated to grow healthy new cells and promote faster healing. There are already many known athletes who are using PRP injections in order to help heal their injuries.


Some of the most common injuries of conditions that are being treated with PRP injections today include tendon injuries, osteoarthritis, postsurgical repair, acute injuries,  and other applications like promoting hair growth, reducing inflammation and facial rejuvenation.


The process involves drawing a sample of your blood, the amount of which depends on where the PRP will be injected. Then the blood is placed into a centrifuge which causes the blood components to separate. The plasma is taken then for injection to your injured area. Ultrasound is used to pinpoint the specific area for the injections. To get some facts about health, go to


If you are suffering from any of the above mentioned injuries, you can have a faster healing with PRP injections. If you need free consultation simply call their number today.

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