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The Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma Injections for Seniors


As we grow old, we usually get wrinkles and also stark white hair. Aging will then continue to surprise us at some ways where it will change even our teeth to our sexuality. In other terms, we should expect the unexpected.


It is usually our neuromusculoskeletal system which weakens. Our bones in fact are less dense and the tissues, tendons and fibers which keeps this in place and move then deteriorates slowly. When you are new with PRP injections, below are some of the amazing benefits that you could get from it and why it is also beneficial for active seniors.


PRP Treatment is actually blood that's drawn directly from a patient who will receive the injection. The blood will then be spun and then will be separated through the use of centrifuge in order to produce high concentrations of platelets over its normal value. The platelets will then be injected to the patient in order to provide support and for the promotion of healing to the site which is injured.


PRP therapy is actually non-invasive and is a non-surgical therapy which will promote healing on your musculoskeletal injuries. This is also popular in cosmetic procedures, but the origins is on healing and repairing the tissues in one's body. PRP injections also are favorable for injured athletes because it helps to speed up the recovery time, which then enables them in getting back to the game faster and with minimal pain as well. Such therapy is in fact a good option for active seniors who have problems with arthritis, tendonitis, sprains and ligament tears.


PRP Injections is also mostly referred by medical professionals because of the ability of healing the body with a substance already created. The main role of platelets is on its blood clotting properties, but we now know about the superpower in healing tissues and injuries.


Our blood is 93% red blood cells, 6% white blood cells and 1% plasma and platelets. Due to the reason that the concentration of the platelets are low, in order for one to see a therapeutic effect on one's body, higher concentrations should be administered to where the blood is drawn and is separated. High concentrations of platelets will benefit the tissues because they are rich on healing and on connective tissue growth factors. If a tissue is injured, the body's first response is to transport platelets to the area that's affected.


Seniors are usually prone to accidents and injuries, not just in doing everyday activities, but when they participate on activities that they love. PRP injections are likewise best for active seniors because this helps in speeding up the healing process and helps prevent future injuries. A healthy and functional senior could mean the difference of being out and do activities than those who are bed-bound. To get more tips about health, go to

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